UI Implementation
This document does not reflect the existing codebase, but rather a road map for future development, and a general introduction to the PiTiVi design philosophy.
- document markers
- document keyframes
- explain the concept of a receiver.
The goal of the design is to build a UI which supports the following features:
- basic editing
- basic effects
- compositing
- multi-track editing
- multi-layer editing*
- multiple selection
- noun-verb interaction
- direct manipulation wherever possible
- leaving behavior up to the core implementation
(*) It is important to distinguish between a track, and a layer in application terminology. Existing video editors use the term track to refer to a UI object which represents a stream of video with a sequence of sources. PiTiVi refers to this as a composition. The term track in PiTiVi means a separate channel of output: for example, audio and video are in separate tracks.
This is distinguished from the concept of a layer which is directly related to the notion of compositing. Within a track, sources have a property called priority which determines what will appear when the play-head reaches a given position in the timeline. By default, the source with the lowest numerical priority is displayed. Adding effects to a composition enables multiple sources to be composited together. Priority is used to determine which sources will be used by an effect as input.
The MVC/Observer Design Pattern
PiTiVi relies heavily on MVC and Observer design patterns to decouple the core of the application from the user interface. Core objects emit signals which prompt changes in the UI. UI elements wrap core objects to manipulate data, which in turn emit signals. The observer pattern allows the user interface to listen for changes in the core without coupling the core to the UI.
In core, we have our own pure-python implementation of “signals”. The user interface depends on pygtk and pygoocanvas, both of which are based on GObject. We use “receivers” to automatically connect appropriate signal handler methods to objects which emit them.
UI Framework Design
The majority of the UI uses pygtk. The timeline portion also relies on goocanvas. This section is about the pygoocanvas portion of the UI.
Objects visible in the timeline will either descend from or mix-in the View class, available in the view module. Instances of the view class create an instance of Controller which handles low-level input events and translates these into higher-level commands which it passes onto the model.
View objects appear exclusively in the time-line component of the UI. Each view represents some object in the current timeline. Views must update their appearance when the object they represent changes. While in most cases, this will be accomplished by connecting to model signals, it is up to the individual view object to do this. No infrastructure is provided by the View base class. In general, views should multiply from View and some subclass of goocanvas.Item. The controller code connects to specific signals, and expects that these signals will have the same signature as defined in goocanvas.Item.
Views provide a public interface for controlling appearance. There are 3 independent visual states:
- focused/unfocused
- active/inactive
- selected/deselected.
A fourth state, normal, is defined as being simultaneously unfocused, inactive, and deselected.
View classes have a class attribute, Controller, which can be reference to BaseController. Views automatically instantiate and connect to an instance of this class during initialization. Derived Views can redefine this attribute to any subclass of Controller -- even one defined as an inner class -- if they wish to override default functionality. This design is intended to keep a tight integration between a View and its Controller.
Controllers provide a high-level public interface for handling the following kinds of interaction
- key press events
- mouse clicks
- mouse drags
- focus changes
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